Monthly Archives: March 2011

Friday Mug o’ the Week!

Here’s a cup for a knock out drink of java

Spring Break kept thing quiet at The Coffee Whisperer these last few weeks, but I had to bring you this submission from a reader:  Here’s the perfect cup for a really strong cup of brew:

The “Fisticup” can be purchased for those you’d like to rough up at the following URL:

Drink Deep, Ladies!

I rarely post Web news about coffee, but this one deserves attention.

It seems that women with a love for the bean have less chance of suffering a stroke than those who turn down a darned good cup o’ joe.

As posted on the WebMd Web site:

Women who drink a cup or more of coffee each day may be less likely to have a stroke, compared to women who drink less coffee, according to new research in the journal Stroke.

While I’m not sure if I’d pick up a copy of “Stroke” magazine at the supermarket, it IS good to see that continuing studies reveal that coffee offers positive health benefits.  Raise your cups, to your health!

Here’s the link to the full article on

Friday Mugshot

Every Friday, I’ll be posting a real coffee drinkers and their real mugs.   Their coffee mugs, I mean.

I’ll be posting more in the weeks ahead…. reader submissions are welcomed!

Our first portrait … is CJ of Austin, posing with his mug that says it like it is.

I love the smell of coffee, but…

It happens like clockwork.

Like the sun rising.   I will be in my office here at work, quickly putting together an afternoon pot of something nice; and someone will walk by my open door.  Sniffing.

“Gosh, gosh that smells … nice!”  they say.

Being the nice person that I try to be, I will offer a cup.  I keep a stash of styrofoam dixies around just for these moments.  But usually, the response to my coffee making efforts is spurned.

“Oh, no,” comes the rejection, “I love the smell of coffee, but I can stand the stuff to drink.”

What is that?  Come on, what IS that really?  You like how it smells so much you’re willing to stand at an open doorway and sniff someone’s personal office but you wont’ accept a cup?  A FREE cup?  Maybe it’s the health thing.  They don’t understand my home roast has less caffeine than Starbucks.  Maybe it’s fear that they will become addicted, which is a real danger, by the way.  Or maybe … maybe it’s me.  They noticed my humped back, or my wild eye, or something caught in my teeth and they can’t stand to look at me.

When rejected and rebuffed in this manner, I will simply nod and say:  “Maybe next time.”   This is met with a similar nod and a quick dash from my door.

I then simply pour myself a cup, return to my paperwork, and perhaps scratch a bit at my hump.   Their loss.